Spent Brewing Grain: Do a Bunch of Cool Stuff With It

Once you make beer with malted grain, there’s not a whole lot you can do with it. Most big breweries end up sending it either to livestock or to a middleman who sells it to farmers who feed it to livestock. Hate to say it, but a ton of smaller brewe…

Once you make beer with malted grain, there’s not a whole lot you can do with it. Most big breweries end up sending it either to livestock or to a middleman who sells it to farmers who feed it to livestock. Hate to say it, but a ton of smaller breweries just chuck it in a dumpster. You can re-purpose it into baked products, but a single kitchen storage container of grain will make roughly infinity crackers.

All that said, there’s some pretty enjoyable stuff to make at home if you’ve got a friendly brewpub who will pass you a tub of fresh grain. (And it has to be fresh — spent grain gets stinky and inhospitable to humans fast unless you refrigerate it.) There’s a killer loaf of bread, some tasty sausages based on recipes from when sausage was stretched with cereal grains, and the aforementioned infinity crackers. They taste great with cheese.

Undertake the fussy, complex, and delightful.


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